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Support our Fence Improvement Campaign!

With the help of donations, we will replace our deteriorating wooden fence with a beautiful new metal fence that will last for decades to come. Help us frame the garden and protect our valuable plantings with a long-term investment in the future of the garden. Each foot of new fence costs about $200, and every donation brings us closer to our goal. Phase 1 of the project is complete, and Phase 2 will replace 100 feet of fence around our Rose and Flower and Sensory Gardens.

Central Park Gardens of Davis is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN #81-3801175. You can use the form below to make a secure online donation or send in a donation by check to P.O. Box 73244, Davis, CA 95617


* Mandatory fields
*First name
Middle name
*Last name
Street address
Zip Code
*Amount ($USD)
*Gift Acknowledgement Permission
Publicly acknowledging your gift helps build community support and recognition for Central Park Gardens. Please consider allowing us to recognize your gift in our annual report and in other publications.
Acknowledgement Name
How do wish to be listed and acknowledged? (for example "Jane and John Doe" or "the Smith family")

Come visit us in Davis Central Park, on B Street between Third and Fourth Streets in Downtown Davis. 


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